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7 Tips for Traveling Around the World

Life is happening now. So, buy the ticket and you will go.

As a child my family traveled a lot. As a young adult, I did travel to places like Asia and Egypt, but I didn’t travel as much as I wanted. It seemed like it was always a hardship, an expense I couldn’t afford. And I would find excuses. There was always something going on that prevented me from taking the trips. Work, weekend plans, relationships, finals, etc… But the thing is, I really wanted to travel. Something always held me back…..

For a time, I was in a relationship at the time with someone who did not like to travel. That may be in fact a huge part of it. My partner did not want to travel, and so I didn't go as much. But, I think what is more important to recognize is the mentality that went along with my partner's lack of desire to travel.

There is a belief in the US, that the world is not a safe place to go and visit. There was also a story of scacity, that we needed to get our life together before we could travel. We lived by the belief that we weren’t in a position to just pick up and go. We were starting out, we still had student mentality. My partner wasn’t interested in backpacking through Asia, or roughing it across Europe, so it did not seem our lifetyle was suited for the type of travel we wanted. Hotels, Bed and Breakfast, comfort. But, much of it was simply not true. It a belief that held me back from jet-setting in a way that I wanted to.

The underlying belief is the scary part, its the type of thing that gives on panic attacks at 3am. I think it’s dangerous to believe in and to follow that motto, “Someday,” and to be led by the belief that something will happen later. Later, someday, when I make more money. Later, when I get more settled. Later. Later. Later. But life is happening now. What does “later” really mean? When does someday really come?

This story is about the danger of postponing life. Life is happening now, and if we don’t do the things we want now, then when?

Not everyone wants to travel. And that is fine. But if you are saying, “I can’t go," but you really want to but something is holding you back. Discover, what is it? Money, responsibilities, or obligations? So, if you ask yourself if you really want to go, do you really want to travel? And if the answer is yes, ask yourself this: What is really holding you back?

Because, here is the thing. You probably do have the time and the money to take a vacation, to go visit the places you really want to go, you may not realize how affordable travel can really be.

With a little planning and foresight you can visit many destinations in your life, which you may not have thought you could.

Here is how:

1. Recognize your fears. We might not be traveling because we have some negative beliefs about what is required to travel. And, reality is that a lot of travel opportunities come up, we just need to grab them. A friend’s wedding? An exciting retreat? One thing that would often hold me back, was a silly thought pattern, like "I won’t know anyone there.” Seriously, though! Today, after having attended several of my friends’ destination weddings one thing I have learned is this: You will form a very special bond with the people you meet and see at these events. Traveling to a destination and meeting up for a sole reason such as a mutual friend’s wedding, is a great way to make new friends, connect with old friends and develop special bonds with many people, new and old, not to mention spending the most special moment of your friends life with them.

2. Remember that spending money on life experiences is (IMHO) one of the greatest investment you can make in your life.

There is the old saying that when we die we take nothing with us. Well, this is also a good reminder that life experiences make us so much richer. Traveling the world, experiencing new cultures is also the most educational and eye opening experience one can have. If traveling is something that calls you, sacrificing some of those material items might do the trick, not to mention some of the best life experience you will ever have.

3. Plan ahead. Plan way in advance, even say 10 to 12 months. Book your ticket early. Or book the hotel early. Put some money down on the trip whether it be hotel or airfare, and then every week put aside money for the rest. You will be surprised at how you can suddenly piece the money together for the trip!

4. Do your research. So you're afraid of traveling as a non white person, as a gay person, as a woman, or as any marginalized person in the US might feel? Do your research! You will be surprised to find how different (and accepting) other parts of of the world may be.

5. Ask for the time off early. Whether you work for a boss, or work for yourself you will need to block the time off from work. (Unless you are like me and can work remotely, which I will be discussing in another post.) If you don’t have paid vacation, these may be unpaid so a little advance planning can go a long way. (In number 5 I will show you how to make money while you are gone.) But once you have the time off from work- you will be surprised at how free you will feel to embark on your trip. This goes for caregivers, parents, too. Planning your trip in advance can help you solidify who will be your substitute while you are gone (if you’re not brining your kids or dependent along)- will it be another parent? A friend or family member?

6. Sublet your place. Yes, even if you are going for 4 days, you can supplement your income by finding someone to stay at your place while you are gone, and definitely if you are going longer. Why not? You can use such apps as Airbnb or Couchsurfer to allow guests to pay you for use of your place while you are gone. Yes, it’s a little extra work, and you have to decide if it’s worth it for you or not, but this might make taking those unpaid days off from work a little more easy to swallow.

7. Commit. Decide that you want to go, and go. Family and work will wait for you. You won’t miss out on something important, rather you will be doing something good for yourself which is going to make you a more enriched human being.

And finally, remember this: You will never say, “I am so glad I stayed home and worked for that week.” But you will probably say, “Wow, that trip was the most memorable thing in my life.”

So, the bottom line is Book it Early and You Will Go. So go ahead, book the plane ticket, that hotel room, (or put that down payment down on that retreat…hint hint..).

There is no later, because life is happening now.


©2024 Moushumi Ghose MFT

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