Human beings are nomadic by nature. I believe this to be true. I look at the history of human nature and I can see that how we have come to be on this planet is none other than travel. Travel is not a new concept, by any means, Human beings have been traversing this planet since the beginning of time. The newer concepts might be that now we can travel by planes, trains, automobiles, which means we have more opportunities to galivant freely. And, well, we should. Not only is it our birthright it is or true nature.
Because of my connection to the earth, and moving about, I also believe we suffer when we don’t travel. We struggle to stay in one place. We suffer all the maladies of a stagnant disconnected life. We think settling down will help us, it does for a short time, until it doesn’t. We then try to travel more but cultural norms encourage us to stay in one place.
Staying in one place is fine, and we now do it for long periods of time. We no longer live in villages and survive off the land. Historically we traveled in packs, entire villages moving at once. Now, we have the freedom to do it individually with ourselves, our partners, our friends and/ or our families. It’s also expensive to travel.
As someone who loves travel, who grew up in a nomadic family environment, I am always encouraging my clients, my friends, whomever to travel, to break out of ruts, get fresh perspective, to shift something in our minds, and in our hearts because I know the healing that travel can bring.
I’m not talking about long distance travel only, which is not feasible for everyone, I am also talking about traveling short distances, short trips, even traveling 15 miles away from a current location can bring change.
And, the energy of different places on the planet can highlight different areas of your life. If you have done even small amounts of travel ouu know this to be true. You can feel the energy literally shift as you move.
This idea that certain places activate certain areas of your life, if you are into astrology, is practiced via Relocation Astrology, or AstroCartoGraphy TM (ACG trademarked by Jim Lewis) But, I digress, the point being that, yes, you can find places on the map that might be better for you. That is not to say there are perfect places, or that places are either all bad or all good, but some places may be harder than others for you, and some places easier for you, based on your natal birth chart.
Do ouo want to focus on career? Do you want to focus on getting married? Having children? Your Astro Map can help.
Look, it’s okay if you are not into astrology, it doesn’t take an astrologer to tell you that changing your environment is profound, or to get on a bus and travel to a new location, however if astrology is something you are interested in, you can in fact chart your travels. It's pretty cool.
I started charting my travels in the 90’s and now I’m finally offering this to my clients to incorporate into their psychotherapy, sex therapy sessions if they want or just as one-off coaching sessions. If you want to learn more about your map and how to map your moves and/or travels, let me know!